Seismic Measurements and Surveys


It is one of our research methods that we prefer to use widely in underground research, engineering problem solving and hydrocarbon research. The basic principle of seismic methods is based on the principle of listening to signals refracted or reflected from environments with different acoustic impedance, from underground to vibrations generated by an artificial ski. We use the following techniques in Seismic Research methods.


     - 2D/3D Seismic Reflection
     - 2D Seismic Refraction (Hi Resulation Seismic Tomography),
     - 2D/3D Multi-Channel Surface Wave Analysis (2D/3D MASW, REMI)
     - 2D Seismic Refraction Tomography Technique
     - High Resolution Hybrid Seismic Application Technique

 We prefer to use seismic research techniques in solving the following problems.

     - Solving Problems for Engineering Purposes


        - Determination of landslide geometry
        - Identification and mapping of buried faults
        - In the elucidation of paleoseismological research,
        - To obtain the engineering Geology Section of the route by revealing layer thicknesses, lateral transitions, fault, dyke, etc. structures on Tunnel-Road Routes,
        - Uncovering a deep geological structure within the city or in places where there is no possibility of opening up with the hybrid technique,
        - Determination and Mapping of holes, galleries and karst cavities,
        - Determination of the bedrock level,
        - Determination of Vs30 Velocity,
        - Determination of Dynamic Elastic Parameters of the Soil, Carrying Power,
        - Determination of the Natural Vibration Period of the Floor,
        - Determination of landfill sites,
        - In determining the causes of seating, deformation, etc. problems occurring in tunnels, roads, buildings and bridges,
        - Revealing the Geological Section in 2D and 3D,

- Mineral Research


        - Identification and Mapping of Hydrocarbon (Coal, Natural Gas and Petroleum) deposits/veins
        - Determination of fracture systems and revealing the direction of progression in marble fields,
        - Identification of lost ore vein in mine galleries,
        - Uncovering the tectonic structure,
        - Determination of the mine site spread

     - Geothermal-Mineral Water Research

        - Determination of geothermal reservoir area,
        - Geothermal enerji kaynağının derinliğinin Belirlenmesi,
        - Determination of Re-Injection Area and Well Location,
        - Revealing the geological and hydrogeological structure for the determination of the Groundwater or Mineral Water potential

We are proud to be the solution partner of you, our valued customers, with our experienced staff of more than 30 years in underground exploration.

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