Earthquake Performance Analysis of Structures

We carry out on-site measurements, tests and analyses to determine the earthquake performance of existing reinforced concrete or historical buildings.

If necessary, we can also perform similar tests during production and measure whether the production meets the project values.
       Measurements for Earthquake Performance Analysis of Structures

       - Measuring the foundation type and thickness of the structure with non-destructive measurement technique,
       - Determining the dynamic and static parameters of the floors on which the building is built,
       - Reinforcement detection, Measurement of Stirrup Intervals
       - On-site Measurement of Concrete Strength (Schmit resistance, Pundit tests),,
       - Column - control of gaps in the wall,
       - Determination of the oscillation of the structure,
       - Relief Control,

As a result of on-site measurements and evaluations; Ground - Building Interaction, We prepare the technical report with a multidisciplinary approach by checking whether the building meets the criteria specified in the Regulation.
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